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>>Your Current Position: Interface Receiver


Part of the remote control receiver

Universal Infrared Receiver with RS232,UART,Serial Port and PS/2 Port Model: RCD1

Some custom remote control receiver

Interface explained in detail

Interface Pictures Note
NONE   Provide infrared encoding format, the client to do the decoding
IC Provide 8SOP,14SOP or 28SOP IC to decode the infrared
UART Serial port format, such as "9600,n,8,1", the TTL level, High or Low activ option
The same as the RS232(serial port) only level and active status.
COM(RS232,Serial Port) Serial port format, such as "9600,n,8,1", the RS232 level, RS232 standard
PS/2 Keyboard or Mouse

PS/2 interface
Every key function is programed for Keyboard function, single key or comb key such as "ctrl-alt-p"

PS/2 Kyeboard and Mouse Dual PS/2 interface
Every key function is programed for Keyboard function, single key or comb key such as "ctrl-alt-p"
(internal receiver)
Integrated Status function for the full system
internal receiver

Usb interface, Every key function is programed for Keyboard function, single key or comb key such as "ctrl-alt-p"

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